If the Gitmo gang could reform this way (from the personal attention of the GB and dept. heads), wouldn't that speak volumes?!! Real hope is amazing. Perhaps even Obama would see the light then. He seems to have just about quit smoking already… Back to the real world, it will indeed be interesting to see how the spirit moves as the organizational changes continue
Spike Tassel
JoinedPosts by Spike Tassel
I just heard of more organizational changes...........
by awildflower inso a good friend of mine e-maild me today with this information.
aparently brother hurd says as of 2010 all the magazine printing and distribution will be moved to canada.
the only printing the us will do is the books.
Come On Britain, Bring In Your Tithes!
by Atlantis in(our thanks goes to anonymous-4, london) come on britain, bring in your tithes!
please note the "same" two january 1956 informants shown below.
and here is a scan of the very same january "informant" for the united states!
Spike Tassel
I suggest that they are treated differently (one from the other) because their stats are different, so there are different needs. Also, the spelling and usage of words differs between the various Englishes, so that is a consideration also. And, they have different legal entities and secular laws ("holidays", etc.) that apply.
Jesus.....God or God's son?
by digderidoo infollowing on from a post of sacolton's on a recent thread.
i hope he doesn't mind me cutting and pasting it as i want to examine it.. was jesus our god?
consider these two scriptures:.
Spike Tassel
If I answer 20 years, maybe it is not enough, or maybe it is too many. Jehovah knows my heart about every aspect to your question, even more than I can say to you. He can satisfy every important question, when the time is right. Focus on Jehovah and Jesus (John 17:3), not on me, please. Each of us getting everlasting life is more important than whether we are satisfied with the answers the other can give. Peace, possible.
Jesus.....God or God's son?
by digderidoo infollowing on from a post of sacolton's on a recent thread.
i hope he doesn't mind me cutting and pasting it as i want to examine it.. was jesus our god?
consider these two scriptures:.
Spike Tassel
How can I persuade someone against their will?! I just try to share my viewpoint and try to understand what the others are saying. It is often difficult, on both counts.
The WT contradict the bible they quote in the very next sentence regarding "JWs"!
by Chalam inthis point has been made before but i think the very words the wt write which contradict the bible the quote make the point powerfully.. have a read for yourself http://www.watchtower.org/e/jt/index.htm.
jesus told his disciples: "you will receive power when the holy spirit arrives upon you, and you will be witnesses of me both in jerusalem and in all judea and samaria and to the most distant part of the earth.
"acts 1:8.. hence, some 6,000,000 persons today who are telling the good news of jehovah's kingdom by christ jesus in over 230 lands feel that they properly refer to themselves as jehovah's witnesses.. .
Spike Tassel
Someone had a gun to your head, Black Sheep?!
The WT contradict the bible they quote in the very next sentence regarding "JWs"!
by Chalam inthis point has been made before but i think the very words the wt write which contradict the bible the quote make the point powerfully.. have a read for yourself http://www.watchtower.org/e/jt/index.htm.
jesus told his disciples: "you will receive power when the holy spirit arrives upon you, and you will be witnesses of me both in jerusalem and in all judea and samaria and to the most distant part of the earth.
"acts 1:8.. hence, some 6,000,000 persons today who are telling the good news of jehovah's kingdom by christ jesus in over 230 lands feel that they properly refer to themselves as jehovah's witnesses.. .
Spike Tassel
Isaac says so, and so it is, for him. I say otherwise, and so it is otherwise, for me. Everyone else says their own thoughts, and so it is their own thoughts, for everyone else. There, easy or difficult, as you see it.
My friend made an interesting observation and wanted me to share, very interesting.
by awildflower inthis is not mine, but my friend e-mailed it to me this morning and i thought it would be great to share........i was thinking about this laying in bed this morning.
have you ever looked at one of those optical illusion pictures such as the one below.
what do you see...a young girl or an old woman?
Spike Tassel
As for me, I'd like to think that both the old lady and the young one could the same person, drawn interchangeably from the knowledge of the sketcher. Paradise, Lost and Regained, is what the Bible is to me. I see it both ways, but I'm optimistic.
wf, the poster's name you have in mind is spelled Reniaa. Perhaps you could think of her name this way, as the initials of something like this: Reniaa Encourages Nice Interactive Appreciative Answers. At least, I think she does.
What's happened with http://www.quotes-watchtower.co.uk/????
by bamse inthis excellent site is gone.
does anyone know what's happened?.
Spike Tassel
perhaps it's like what happened with the quotes.watchtower.ca web site, the expanation for which is at http://www.religionnewsblog.com/13163/watchtower-shuts-down-quotes-website
Jesus.....God or God's son?
by digderidoo infollowing on from a post of sacolton's on a recent thread.
i hope he doesn't mind me cutting and pasting it as i want to examine it.. was jesus our god?
consider these two scriptures:.
Spike Tassel
Each one needs to feel a personal appreciation for Jehovah, and his wonderful ways, including bringing back Jesus as a human being, since the dead know nothing at all, and so Jesus couldn't resurrect himself from the dead. It feels deep to me. I'm sorry if our meanings have been lost on each other. Jesus' resurrection alone proves to me that Jehovah (the ever-living) was greater than Jesus (who was dead for more than a full day.
Jesus.....God or God's son?
by digderidoo infollowing on from a post of sacolton's on a recent thread.
i hope he doesn't mind me cutting and pasting it as i want to examine it.. was jesus our god?
consider these two scriptures:.
Spike Tassel
What is irreverent about "Wow!" or "Amazing!"? For me, these expressions have Jehovah the Creator in mind, and are my way of saying "Thanks, Jehovah!"